Thanks to the excellent video Kata in Bash from Andrea Francia, where he creates from scratch a mini testing framework for Bash, today I learned some things:
Do you know:
👉 how to split multiple inputs in a string, space separated, with a one-liner?
read -ra numbers <<< "1 2"
echo "$((numbers[0]+numbers[1]))"
# returns 2
or comma separated
IFS=, read -ra numbers <<< "1,2"
echo "$((numbers[0]+numbers[1]))"
# returns 2
👉 how to create a temporary file which will be automatically destroyed?
This is useful for those commands which require files as inputs, for example diff
> diff <(echo "something") <(echo "something_else")
< something
> something_else
It relies on Process Substitution
👉 that True and False are commands?
always succeeds, false
always fails
> true
> echo $?
> false
> echo $?