How I review code challenges for recruitment
Remote journal - A year after
Remote work yays and nays
Why remote daily sucks - Try remote journal
Team Smells
How to team
Today I Learned: How to get your current OTP version
A day on the WikiWikiWeb
Today I learned: Elixir and using environment variables with attributes
Today I learned: Funny things with the bash
Frustration driven developer
My multiseat configuration on Windows or How to train neural networks and play Call of Duty at the same time
Today I learned: How to display erlang code from beam file
Today I learned: ASDF – the easy to remember languages version manager
Today I learned: How to dispatch React-Redux events using only browser console
What 7 years (more or less) of Pair Programming gave me for being a better solo programmer
How I moved to Berlin to be a better Software Developer - The Execution
How I moved to Berlin to be a better Software Developer - The Plan
Frustration driven software developer.